09 Nov Downtown Denizen: Eddie Matcalfe
Eddie Metcalfe
General Manager, Flippin’ Good Burgers and Shakes
What was your favorite subject in school?
Math. I always enjoyed the exactness of math answers, even though there are multiple avenues to get the answer.
If you won $100 million, what would you buy first?
I would buy 100 acres of land, and create my own neighborhood filled with family and friends.
If you had to choose just one place to vacation every year for the rest of your life, where would it be?
I could go to New York City every year and never run out of interesting things to do.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Being a father.
Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
Mariah Carey.
Which Muppet is your favorite?
Animal, he’s such a metal head!
What was the last great movie you saw?
I watched Casino last night. Robert DeNiro is such an excellent actor.
What was the last concert you attended?
Yellow Brick Road at the Railhead inside Boulder Station. They’re a southern rock ‘n’ roll tribute band.
If you could give one piece of advice to your 10-year-old self, what would it be?
Stay away from negative influences in your life. Surround yourself with caring people who add value to your life.
What weapon would you carry during the Zombie Apocalypse?
I would have to stick with my 12-gauge shotgun.
What is your favorite downtown venue?
Flippin’ Good Burgers and Shakes, of course.