Explore DTLV: $10 OFF when you join the Explore DTLV loyalty & rewards club – Join here
Corduroy: Nutty Buddy Ice Cream Cone and Shot of Fernet- Opening day menu classic that was a Tony favorite. $6. Fernet Shot $3
Gold Spike: Fernet & Coke Zero or Fried Pickles- Three of Tony’s OGs, from the original OG- Gold Spike! $4. Fernet Shot $3
Nacho Daddy Downtown: Golden Knight Nacho for $15.00 and $3.00 shot of Fernet.
Oak & Ivy: To Hsieh- A Collins variation honoring our late founder and visionary. Fernet, Green Chartreuse, Lime, Honey, Cold Brew, Bitters, Coke Zero. $10. Fernet Shot $3
Le Thai: FREE shots of Fernet until “we run out!” Because Tony was the most generous guy LE Thai has ever met.
Oasis at Gold Spike Hotel: 30% off any future reservation made 12/10/22 – 12/13/22. Use promo code: LLAMA
Downtowner Hotel: 30% off any future reservation made 12/10/22 – 12/13/22. Use promo code: LLAMA
Atomic Liquors: $5 Fernet shots, $8 naked chicken wings
Inspire: Cli-Hsieh- Fernet Branca, Sweet Vermouth, Ginger Liqueur, Lime Juice, Ginger Beer. $6. Fernet Shot $3.
Downtown Terrace: Lemon Chicken – If Tony was at Downtown Terrace, the Lemon Chicken was always on the table. Herb crusted chicken filet, roasted vegetables, citrus cream sauce, capers, quinoa. $11. Enjoy our spiked Fernet hot chocolate just in time for the Holidays! Thin Mint Cocoa – 2oz Fernet, 4 oz hot chocolate, topped with green chartreuse whipped cream. $6. Fernet Shot $3.
Goodwich: Reuben-ISH- Tony loved a good Reuben, fortunately for us, we have one of the best! $10
Smashed Pig: Prosciutto & Fig Flat Bread. $8. Llama Car Bomb featuring Tony’s favorite, you guessed it, Fernet, Firestone 805. $6 or Sa-Hsieh- Fernet, lemon juice, honey, ginger beer. $7. Fernet Shot $3
Laundry Room @ Commonwealth: An evening of Fernet based cocktails in honor of downtown’s greatest friend. Tony will always be in the nooks, crevices, and ether of DTLV. He is deep in the very fascia of our infamous streets, his place spreading across every vein of our existence.
Flippin Good: $3 Fried Pickles and $3 Fernet Shot. A few of Tony’s favorite menu items.
Downtowner Bar: Marley Sour- So good even Tony’s llama would love it. Fernet Branca, Green Chartreuse, simple syrup, lime juice. $7.Fernet Shot $3
El Cortez: One of Tony’s favorite meeting locations… $1 Fernet from 5:30PM-1:00AM at all bars. Come check out Tony Hsieh plaque inside Parlor bar.
Evel Pie: Free shots at Evel Pie for everyone who attends Tony’s celebration. 11am – 6pm Saturday. Show this message on your phone to redeem in person.
Fergusons Downtown: $1 fernet shots & coke zero (at Fergusons & vegas test kitchen)
A pickle bar
bread pudding w/fernet caramel sauce at Peyote
All for our country limited free wood stickers
Mikes Recovery special blend & 100% proceeds to a youth LGBTQIA+
Market in the Alley
Mini Pour in the Alley tasting of Amaros
Food Fest at Vegas Test Kitchen
Donut Bar: Free cake donuts for any customer who mentions “Tony”
7th & Carson: Will have commemorative banner on storefront for month of December
Downtown Container Park:
Bin 702: Specialty Fernet cocktail (The Tony); Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Pickels (they were Tony’s idea)
House of 1000 Pins– Free Tony H sticker. Also having 3 FOR $25, 5 FOR $40, 10% OFF WITH PURCHASE OVER $50
Katmandu Trading– 15% Off
Alchemical Cabinet– 10% Off Sea Moss Gel, Tea or Soap
Shades Deluxe– 10% off their entire purchase. Plus 5% of all sales that day will go to the Tony Hsieh Memorial Fund.
Sugar Shop– 10% Off
Olive Branch- 10% Off
LAYOP– 20% Off