07 Jun Intergalactic Art Car Festival Lands in Downtown Las Vegas
Along with the praying mantis (usually parked at Downtown Container Park), the mechanical menagerie features the Park on Fremont Street’s resident swan, a rhinoceros and an alligator. There’s even a car in the shape of a stapler. At 7 p.m. Saturday, a dozen car stars will depart downtown’s Llama Lot in a vehicle parade and head toward, then down, the Strip. At Harmon Avenue, the procession will turn around and return to the Llama Lot, where an all-ages festival continues from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m., with live DJs, fire dancers, food trucks and artist demos — along with the chance to check out a total of 25 art cars, which feature everything from fire-belching displays to LED screens to monster sound systems. Read full article